Come Join Us For Fellowship! We invite you to join us for games, coffee, chair yoga and more!
We serve lunch Monday through Friday at noon for a suggested $3.00 cost, although no senior will be turned away due to inability to pay.
Check Out Our Facebook for more information: https://www.facebook.com/leecountycouncilonaging/
Lee County Council On Aging
Serving Senior Citizens and others in Lee County
It shall be the mission of the Lee County Council on Aging, a not for profit organization, to serve all members of the community regardless of race, sex, color, national origin or religion and act as a conduit with the public and state agencies to help seniors maintain optimal level of function. This is achieved by:
building community capacity,
assure transportation,
advocate and coordinate program of aging issues,
and maximize availability of resources to attain individual needs.
-- Provided by the Board of Directors Lee County Council on Aging.
April 11, 2018
LOOK FOR US ON FACEBOOK: leecountycouncilonaging
OUR EMAIL ADDRESS IS: lccoa@comcast.net
And our phone number is: 815-288-9236.
In the News
Dementia Friends USA
Join the Movement!
Become a Dementia Friend.
A Dementia Friend learns about dementia and then turns that understanding into action. We all have a part to play in creating dementia friendly communities!
Dementia Friends USA is part of a global movement that is changing the way people think, act, and talk about dementia. Anyone can be a Dementia Friend – we all have a part to play in creating dementia friendly communities!
A Dementia Friend is someone who, through viewing a series of online videos or attending a live interactive session, learns about what it's like to live with dementia and then turns that understanding into action. From telling friends about the Dementia Friends program to visiting someone who is living with dementia, every action counts.
Yoga for Seniors
Chair Yoga is now
three days per week!
Chair Yoga is now available three days per week!
Mondays at 11:00 am
Wednesdays at 1:00pm
Thursdays at 1:00pm
Chair Yoga is regular yoga - but is designed for Seniors and others with limited movement.
LCCOA is Offering Trips for 2024
Planned for 2024:
August 19th thru 23rd, 2024
The Grand Hotel, Mackinaw City, Sault Sainte Marie
Call Marisa at 815-288-9236
Fly to Honolulu, Travel by cruise ship: to Maui, Hawaii, Kauai, and Oahu; then fly back.
Aug. 24-31, 2024 8 Days & 7 Nights
Call Marisa at 815-288-9236 for pricing
November 1st thru 10th, 2024
London, the English Channel, France
Tour World War II Museums in England and France
Look through our TRIPS section on this website, or
Call Marisa at 815-288-9236 for more information.
Helps Seniors to Live
the Best Life that they can!!
Lee County Council On Aging is achieving more with our initiatives than ever before. We work on many exciting projects to help improve the lives of others, and are very proud of the progress we continue to make. We encourage you to become a Member of the Lee County Council on Aging, and add your investment toward a Brighter Future for our area Seniors.
Your Investment helps in three main areas of senior life:
Your Membership helps to fund our Outreach Department
At Lee County Council On Aging, we are dedicated to stepping up our efforts in addressing this issue. Health Clinic is by no means an easy feat, but through cooperation and community empowerment we believe we can facilitate progress in this area. We are always striving to make a difference, and invite you to learn more and lend your support.
Senior Resources
Your Membership Helps Utilize Community Assets
With this initiative, our goal is to promote great opportunities for those in need. With access to the right resources, people can become empowered by their own abilities and gain the confidence to fulfill their potential. Learn more about our work by getting in touch with our team today.
Independent Living Solutions
Your Membership Helps to Provide & Maintain Transportation and Mobility
With our organization’s mission always in mind, we strive to find new strategies for dealing with this challenge. Food Donation Drop-Off is something that we take very seriously, and our team is working each and every day to make a positive impact. Contact us to learn more about our commitment to this cause.
Resources for Seniors:
U.S. Gov't Funded
Led by Springfield
Lee County & Local Groups
Gov't Agencies & Non-Profit Groups